We commemorate, celebrate, and appreciate the spirit of IGL, and all the achievements and milestones of our past and present employees. Through this unique Alumni platform, you can connect, network, and stay up-to-date on all the IGL Happenings


I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the opportunity to work from 2018 to 2022 at such a remarkable company. As a young and naive college graduate, I entered IGL with limited knowledge and experience. During my time at IGL, I had the privilege of working with some of the most exceptional individuals in the industry. Their passion and dedication inspired me to strive for excellence and contributed to my growth. I will always cherish the memories of my time at India Glycols Limited, and I am proud to be an alumnus of such a unique and remarkable manufacturing plant.
Mr. Chetan Goyal
Ex-Technology Engineer

Joined IGL as an early bird in the 80s to be involved in a Greenfield Project in Green Chemicals. The company empowered me with the freedom to make decisions during my entire 32 year saga until my retirement. Happy to be instrumental in catapulting a nascent organisation to its present stage as a market leader with a dynamic workforce to team up with. Thankful forever.
Mr. GR Rao
Retired (Head-Instrumentation)

I am a proud ex-member of the IGL family and had a memorable association of over three decades. During my journey with IGL, I have witnessed the growth of the company as well as associates year by year. IGL is one among the best places to work, deliver and get integrated with the company’s growth journey. IGL’s strong & caring family culture generates a magical bond among employees & families. I wish the company touches greater heights.
Mr. P. K. Tripathi
Retired (Head-Powerhouse, Electrical & Utilities)

IGL offered me to head Marketing after my stint in petrochemicals in public sector IPCL & multinational company NOCIL. My brief was to develop systems, markets, brand for IGL’s growth with best practices & creative strategies to suit its size & uniqueness. Needless to say that assignment provided me with free hand to deal with opportunities & challenges to deliver my best with a sense of ownership till the end of my career which lasted for 25 satisfying yrs. IGL became one of the most recognised & valuable brand with international affiliation. It has been my privilege to be associated with dedicated team of IGL under the inspired leadership of Bhartia’s.
Mr. R Pabi
Retired (Head-Marketing)

With the major raw materials drawn from bio/ renewable resources and a high degree of integration between its units w.r.t. material flow and energy, IGL remains a perfect example and an interesting case for sustainable operations. Proud to be associated with the company, for over three decades, in its journey which consisted of various debottlenecking/ expansion projects, diversification to new products and many process improvement/ energy conservation initiatives. Importantly, the team and I had enough freedom at work while steering through various endeavours.
Mr. MK Rao
Retired (Executive Director)

IGL was my dream organization and I am really glad and satisfied with experience of advance Technology of Petrochemicals Plant along with supportive management who always emphasized on the team work, mutual respect, achieving higher targets with proper rewards and recognition. The excellent part was the freedom given by management to use innovative ideas for the growth of the IGL business. My company has also taken care very well to complete family responsibilities in performing the marriage of my children in the campus. I wish a great success for IGL business. “
Mr. Ashok Yadav
Retired (Head-MEG)

IGL is the first industry of my career and it was a good exposure to work in such a esteemed organisation. Company empowered you to work with freedom, make decision and take responsibilities. I spent 4 plus years with the organisation and thankful for a wonderful time and experience.
Mr. Udham Singh
Ex-Security Incharge